
So the news is out: Chalkbeat is piloting an expansion to Detroit.

Erin Einhorn is going to be leading the effort. Einhorn’s bio says she’s “Chalkbeat Detroit and Indiana editor, mom of 2, former deputy managing ed and city hall bureau chief @ NYDN.”

In contrast to previous Chalkbeat bureaus, which have been close to fully staffed from the start, Chalkbeat is starting out with just Einhorn and may adjust the size of the staff depending on need, support, and other factors.

Based on what they learn from this pilot, Chalkbeat could expand to additional locations.

“We’re looking for opportunities to tell more local stories,” said Chalkbeat co-founder Philissa Cramer via phone interview the other day. Priorities include cities where there’s a compelling story, a funding community, and journalists who might be great at the job. “We’re considering lots of possibilities.”

There are several big-city school systems that don’t have a fully-staffed independent education news site, including most notably Washington DC.

You can read the first newsletter and subscribe to learn more. The Twitter handle is @chalkbeatDET. Facebook page here. The first edition — out on Friday — includes a mix of aggregated news and tidbits.

They’re having a social event tonight for anyone who’s in New York. And they’re also looking to hire a NY bureau editor.

image from scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net

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Alexander Russo

Alexander Russo

Alexander Russo is founder and editor of The Grade, an award-winning effort to help improve media coverage of education issues. He’s also a Spencer Education Journalism Fellowship winner and a book author. You can reach him at @alexanderrusso.

Visit their website at: https://the-grade.org/